Mom's Catholic Homeschool Diary

Catholic Home-schooling mom of five shares her thoughts of the day. Being Catholic is the way to avoid ever needing therapy. Being Catholic, means always having to say you're sorry. Being Catholic means being Catholic to the core.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Adoption Day!!

Tomorrow, my children are being officially adopted through the courts! My athiestic, alcoholic ex-husband from a non-sacramental union, has not answered the court, so his "parental rights" are being terminated. Mike, my husband, is adopting my three oldest, although they have always been "his" since he met them and we were married. The oldest was only four...and he is now 14 and a half.

This is a bitter-sweet moment, well, okay, so, not quite so bitter to be perfectly honest! But, there is a twinge of sympathy/anger/disgust that I carry towards Jeff's decision to abandon his own sweet dear children. How he will fare in his dotage, without a family, is beyond me. Jeff had himself "fixed"/"neutered" after the birth of our daughter, so the poor man will never have children. He had his first child, from a college gal, aborted because he wanted to break up with her, due to a re-run of Happy Days, when Joannie and Chachi, broke up. He impreganted a girl shortly after, a highschool girl in her Senior year, and he actually married her. The baby died during a miscarriage. Then, came silly me: We had a child, lost a child, then had two more.
So, we had four children together when he decided to go back to being single and carefree.
Unfortunately, he didn't actually wait until he was single...he began after the birth of our first child!

This poor deluded man, Jeff, has fathered six, yes, six! children and he sees none of them. Three are deceased, yes, but he probably wouldn't be seeing them anyway- and they definitely DO count-up there all snug and secure with the Lord. (Hi, Sweet Chilren!) So, I find this to be an impoverished life that he lives, somewhere off in Vegas, hiding from child support. I feel sorry for him and we pray for him daily. I'm certain his little children with the Father pray for Him too.

Tomorrow, my children will be formally Mike's. Their names will be changed, their birth certificates will be changed and their biological father will be expunged into ignominy. I think that is sad. For him. He really needs prayers. We, however, are rejoicing. God has been more than generous to us. We have survived natural disasters, carbon monoxide poisoning, been cured miraculously TWICE. The Braun Family is alive and well and functional. We are Catholic To The Core. What more can there be?

God Bless Us ALL,


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