Mom's Catholic Homeschool Diary

Catholic Home-schooling mom of five shares her thoughts of the day. Being Catholic is the way to avoid ever needing therapy. Being Catholic, means always having to say you're sorry. Being Catholic means being Catholic to the core.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day

We began the day with the feast day of St. Patrick celebrated with Holy Mass. Each of us were wearin' green, of course, as all good Irish do.

I really love St. Patrick's Day for some reason. As some may be aware, we are celebrating his death. Not that we are glad he died, but that he was "born" into Heaven on this day, as we all hope to be. I think my pre-occupation with St. Patrick's Day has to do with the in-born desire of the Irish to know about their orgins and roots. Every Irish person I know has this strong sense of "belonging" to Ireland, despite the fact they are so far removed. My great-grandfather was from Ireland and came over...the way I feel, one would think I long to go back home "to the old sod" myself. I've never gotten the pleasure of traveling there. We'll see.

So, all you Germans, go ahead and share in the day. I guess you English can too. Freedom for Ireland. See? I couldn't help myself!

Have a blessed St. Patrick's Day! Oh, yea, it isn't really all that cool to skip the abstinence from meat. Jesus' Sacrifice on the Cross trumps our desire to eat corned beef-which isn't really what Irish people ate anyway. They ate lamb-which I think tastes like beef smeared with blue cheese....



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